Event cover
Event cover
Full Circle Presents: Gardens Of Babylon Athens w/ Jan Blomqvist, Oliver Koletzki, Mira, Beard2Beard, Vougioukli Sisters, Stefano Skoul, Maarkk, Man With The Speaker, Nixxie
Σάβ 13 Ιουλ - Κυρ 14 Ιουλ17:00 - 08:00
Κοινοποίηση Εκδήλωσης
Η εκδήλωση έχει τελειώσει

Full Circle presents Gardens Of Babylon.

Gardens of Babylon is a unique project, originating from Amsterdam, that has created an international movement connecting people through music & spirituality. The project is set to make its Athens debut on July 13th, 2024, for a half-day filled with endless magic, grooves, and more.

Event Information:

  • The event is divided into two segments: DAY and NIGHT.
  • DAY: 5PM - 12AM
  • NIGHT: 12AM - 7AM

Ticketing System Explained:

  • Standalone tickets for access to the DAY segment are available.
  • Access to the NIGHT segment is only possible through the purchase of a ‘Combo Ticket’ (DAY / NIGHT), as we are not selling standalone NIGHT tickets.

*Please note that the NIGHT segment has a limited capacity of 600 people.

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Διοργανώνεται από
Full Circle
Η εκδήλωση έχει τελειώσει