ADRIATIQUE present 'X'
Σάβ 10 Μαΐ - Κυρ 11 Μαΐ17:00 - 03:00
Η τιμή του εισιτηρίου ξεκινάει από 50€
FOR303 presents Adriatique X Show for the first time in Greece, at the breathtaking Dionyssos Marble Quarry, the source of the Pentelic marbles, used in the construction of the Parthenon at Acropolis.
Ancient landscapes blend with electronic music, creating a harmonious connection between nature, history and contemporary art.
Venue: Dionyssos Marble Quarry
- Doors open: 05:00PM
- Event ends: 03:00AM
- No re-entry
- Minimum entry age is 18+
- Liquers, food and soft drinks available
- Transfer buses available from city center and back (to be announced)
For every ticket sold, a tree will be planted in the wider Dionyssos Quarry area, contributing to the restoration of the natural environment.
In collaboration with the Dionyssos Quarry, we are committed to a more sustainable approach to entertainment.
For tables reservations 00306970253434 (WhatsApp)
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Η τιμή του εισιτηρίου ξεκινάει από 50€