Event cover
Event cover
Deflektiv w/ Bassiks - UnderTone - Audiøsick - Karren - Dimi & Sampson at Space Lab
Σάβ 13 Μαΐ23:00
Κοινοποίηση Εκδήλωσης
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Deflektiv is a new age dj team born from the past experiences harmonized with the present trends, based on the main elements of electronic music.

Saturday 13th of May Deflektiv with:


Some information about the guests:Bassiks are a techno Dj/Producer duo from Greece that came together in 2017, with both members being involved with music from an early age. Their sound is defined by driving grooves, heavy basslines and raw aesthetics. Based in Amsterdam, they hold a residency with East Collective at Club NL and performed at the historic Club Paradiso with Remy Unger & Joey Beltram.Nikos Kargakos Borned and raised in Rhodes. Greece. His love for music began since an early age as he had a specific connection with sound. Also is the Founder of Nemesis MusicTeam and has his own ambition for the future.Sponsors:Rusty Razors Barber CrewS'efagaPorto BeachEvent start at 23:00

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